SIR Foundation grants

SIR Foundation grants program overview

SIR Foundation provides a wide array of grants that aim to support research and projects dedicated to progressing the field of interventional radiology through the development of innovative therapies and advancing scientific knowledge to improve patient care and overall quality of life. SIR and SIR Foundation believe in promoting a culture of inclusion and strengthening the specialty of interventional radiology (IR) through different perspectives.


Please note: This grant cycle mechanism does not apply to the Incubator Grant and the GEMS Program.


Proposal Development Form

Completion of the Proposal Development Form is highly encouraged to be submitted with all faculty grant applications. for all the faculty grant opportunities.The Proposal Development Form located within the application, provides an opportunity for applicants to receive preliminary feedback prior to submitting their final applications for funding consideration. Although this requirement is designed to provide feedback before the final decision, completion of the Proposal Development Form does not guarantee funding. 

Students and resident-based grants are not needed in the proposal development form. 

The deadline to submit the Proposal Development Form is June 30, 2024. 

Please visit the SIR Foundation Research Grants Application Platform to submit. 



Starting this grant cycle, all faculty grant opportunities highly encourage the completion of the pre-review process with the goal of supporting investigator development.

All student and resident-based grants do not participate in pre-review.

The deadline to complete the pre-review is Sept. 20, 2024. This process provides an opportunity for applicants to obtain and respond to reviewer feedback prior to submitting the final applications.


Final review

Final applications for all faculty, resident, and medical student grants are due on Jan. 15, 2025To learn more about SIR Foundation's grant review process, click here

*Please note that the Incubator Grant has two application cycles on Jan. 15 and June 30.

Please visit the SIR Foundation Research Grants Application Platform to submit your final application.


The Academic Transition Grant is designed for interventional radiologists over the age of 40 who have recently begun academic careers after spending several years in non-academic practice. The grant is intended to facilitate the establishment of a record of independent research by the investigator in order to promote a successful academic career.


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The SIR Foundation Allied Scientist Training Grant is designed to provide support to trainees enrolled in graduate-level training programs that are outside the clinical realm of interventional radiology but are still considered crucial to the future of IR. The goal is to create collaborative research training environments that benefit from the unique perspectives of established scientists and interventional radiologists.

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This grant program is designed to provide support to junior interventional radiology faculty members early in their academic careers to allow time for the conduct of research. The goal of this program is to have grant recipients subsequently obtain additional funding from other sources, such as National Institutes of Health (NIH) grants.


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The Incubator Grant, formally the Funding Source Development Grant, is designed to support projects in clinical research areas important to the advancement of interventional radiology and patient care that align with SIR Foundation's clinical research goals. The Incubator Grant will provide support for costs related to developing any of the following: a complete protocol for a clinical study; a federal application designed to seek support for a clinical study from the NIH; a complete clinical proposal designed for subsequent industry funding; or an operations/training manual and supporting materials as needed for a clinical study. This grant mechanism is designed to provide support for the development of projects that are identified and highly prioritized by a SIR Foundation Research Consensus Panel (RCP). However, other projects that did not go through the RCP process are also eligible for consideration.

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The Pilot Research Grant Program is designed to fund research in areas identified by SIR Foundation as important to the advancement of interventional radiology and patient care. These grants generally address a specific hypothesis and generate preliminary data that could be used to justify or strengthen subsequent comprehensive applications to national peer-reviewed funding agencies. Grants may be issued to support the initial research efforts of faculty as well as those who have limited research experience.


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The Radiology Resident Research Grant is designed to foster an interest in research by funding a research project conducted by the resident in an area identified by SIR Foundation as important to the advancement of interventional radiology and patient care.


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The Research Mentorship Grant is designed to both support and highlight a woman performing interventional radiology (IR) research and to expand the pipeline for medical students or residents to learn about IR research.




Click here to download a PDF of all SIR Foundation's grant opportunities:
