You lifted IR to new heights!

Thank you for helping us soar! Our annual Virtual Balloon Auction has ended, and your support has propelled us to new heights. Powered by innovation and guided by evidence-based practices, your generosity has helped IR research take flight. As this chapter closes, we encourage you to continue supporting our mission to advance the field. Thank you for being part of this exhilarating journey through the world of IR research. 

Thank you to our Virtual Balloon Auction donors and CAP partners for going ABOVE and BEYOND for IR research!






imagedfve.png imagesfhoh.png






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imagegfja4.png imageh1o9s.png imageeebcv.png image6110b.png imageifcw.png
imagecr6a6.png imagebf4p.png imagesseao.png imageq7v99.png imagevpez4.png
  imageqn63c.png image4lcrl.png    



image3utvk.png image94myi.png image8oem.png imagel91m.png image6znnw.png
image8pbx.png imagep6tuo.png imagem91sf.png image8j3ig.png imagekrip.png
imagehbadd.png imagey7r6g.png imagexs284.png imager72nh.png imagehbec.png
  image60454.png imageg87i.png imageziwro.png  



imageawu37.png imagerv69.png imageflvd5.png imagevmz2i.png image40t9c.png
imagebb7ka.png imagefdhw.png image87565.png imageg0lme.png image1dhto.png
imagewde4.png imageczqb4.png imagefrho.png imagenewga.png imageba90k.png
  image0xdcd.png imagevdtae.png imagecc8qo.png  


imageed2e.png imagebs4uq.png imageybq5m.png imagerm19b.png imagesagyg.png




Note: Custom balloon colors are available to Gala Committee members. 

Special thanks to our volunteers!

